Feeding your Soul for Breakfast
Swami Sivananda says:
“As soon as you get up from your bed, do Japa and meditation. This is important. Afterwards, you can practice Asana, Pranayama and study the Gita and other sacred books.”
What is Japa?
Japa is the repetition of a mantra or divine name. We sometimes call this “chanting.”
What is Asana?
Asana are the poses and postures that you do when you take a yoga class. For Example, a down dog or child’s pose are both asanas.
What is Pranayama?
Pranayama is the expansion or control of breath. In the West, we call this “Breath Work.”
A daily morning practice can eliminate stress and anxiety from your life.
Try this simple 20 minute practice on your own:
5 minutes of mantra chanting
5 minutes of breath work
10 minutes of yoga postures
Join Me for the next zoom morning practice session.
image shot at Ara Ha